Inspired by the text scores of Pauline Oliveros, Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies, and Graphic Scores in general, I started creating a series of image + text scores for release via Twitter in 2013. I started Field Mappings around the time I grudgingly upgraded from my loyal flip phone to a smartphone, and wanted to feel like I could do something with it. This is certainly the definition of a casual art project, with large amounts of time between posts, but it is always fun to return to it. It is particularly interesting, and sometimes challenging, to create instructions that fit within the character limitations of Twitter. Check out a few of the more recent ones below, and if you're so inclined, you can see another 100+ Field Mappings scores over on Twitter: @FieldMappings
Build a structure that contains 4 rooms, each with a single speaker in the corner. Play a quiet sound in each room, so quiet that anyone who is present would need to move very close to the corner to hear it. Encourage listeners to move to different rooms rarely and inconsistently
— Field Mappings (@FieldMappings) November 4, 2020
Look closely. There IS a staff. Do the thing one does with graphic scores that have vague staff lines. Credit me. I own you.
— Field Mappings (@FieldMappings) April 16, 2020
Pull the dead behind you with spider silk. Experiment with different surfaces. Call it a parade. Secure sponsorship.
— Field Mappings (@FieldMappings) April 14, 2020
Find something old and broken. Turn it into an instrument and put out a call for scores. No cash prize but a performance is promised. Variation: turn it into a theme park ride. Charge admission. Buy insurance.
— Field Mappings (@FieldMappings) April 14, 2020
Frown indefinitely
— Field Mappings (@FieldMappings) April 14, 2020
Start with a verb. Add a noun. Take a breath. Subtract a verb. Add a noun. Add a verb. Take a breath. Add a verb. Subtract a noun. Take a breath. Add a noun. Add a verb. Take a breath. Subtract a noun. Take a breath. Keep going for a while. Speak quietly. Make button sounds.
— Field Mappings (@FieldMappings) March 30, 2020