The Rebel Scum is a live-coding duo between Shawn Lawson [aka Obi Won Codenobi] and me [aka The Wookie (back in the beard days...)]. We started this duo in 2014 while I was still in graduate school at RPI, and have been plugging away at it every since. After 2016 we were rarely in the same place at the same time, and so had to develop some method for telematic collaboration in order to continue our collaboration (and perform remotely when one or both of us were unable to make it to an event). We called it The Dark Side, and it allowed us to use a shared text buffer online, while rendering our respective TidalCycles and Shader code locally. In other words, very little latency and no loss in resolution. Shawn has done a phenomenal job at tracking our progress through the years on the Codenobi and Wookie website, which you can find by clicking HERE.