Study no. 35

Performance score for Study no. 35

Performance Instructions

For 50 vocalists and/or instrumentalists.

Prior to performance, each player is assigned one numbered circle. Only one player should follow each numbered circle.

Pitch content is determined prior to performance. Each player determines their own pitch as the ensemble collectively begins to sound. The resultant chord is then held as each player either sticks to their initial pitch, or hunts for a better one. Once the ensemble is satisfied with the resultant chord, the piece can begin. This may be done on stage.

Each circle has a small circle that will occasionally make one full clockwise rotation from 12 o'clock.

Each time this circle appears and begins to rotate, begin sounding the predetermined pitch. Dynamic should begin as soft as possible, increasing to MF by 6 o'clock, and decreasing to silence by the return to 12 o'clock. Pitch should stay consistent.

Players should not deviate from their initial pitch throughout the duration of a performance.

Duration: 15 minutes or more.

Ryan Ross Smith, Summer 2013.

If you would like a copy of this animated score for performance, or have any questions about the animated notation used in this piece, feel free to get in touch! My contact information can be found here.